Here are some pictures from a very busy morning at Bennie! Enjoy!
The year began with servicing students who were in the program last year while grade level benchmark testing was taking place with all students. After the fall testing was complete, the results were analyzed to determine who did not make the benchmark goals and select those most in need of extra support to add to the program. Letters were sent out informing parents if their child was receiving reading support, math support or both.
Students receive literacy help in their classrooms from Bennie’s instructional aides. Students in grades 3-5 who receive math support are using the Reflex Math program in the computer lab to build fact fluency. Later, other math skills will be addressed. At times, students work with or are checked by me, Mrs. Artman, in order to set target goals for their learning and give direction to the aides on how best to help them achieve their academic goals.
In October, teachers have been assessing students using Fountas and Pinell’s Benchmark Assessment System which replaces the DRA reading assessments used in Allen Park in the past. Results from these assessments will also be used to target students’ needs and provide interventions to help accelerate their growth. Once the building team meets to look over all data, parents will be contacted if their child received service last year but won’t receive it now.
Arno and Bennie Title I Programs will be hosting an evening workshop for parents featuring presenters from Eastern Michigan University’s Family Literacy Program. Please join us at Arno to hear valuable tips about how to help your children improve their writing skills. The program will run from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at Arno. Enter through the main door. Details are in the flier in the link below. If you are unable to attend and would like to send another adult in your place to get the information for you, that’s fine. We look forward to seeing and learning with you! Click on link below for registration:
Title I Parent Writing Workshop _ November 15 2018 PDF-2m8cnep