Mrs. Metzger and Mr. Darga congratulate Zayden and Ethan for reaching their winter Reflex Math goals. Great job, boys!
Mrs. Metzger and Mr. Darga congratulate Zayden and Ethan for reaching their winter Reflex Math goals. Great job, boys!
More Helpful Tips for Parents Shared on this Blog
Either click the link below or look under the Helping Children Learn Newsletter tab in the menu above to access February and March editions of Helping Children Learn and Activity Planners. As usual, they are available in both English and Spanish versions.
New Parent Resources Now Available
Benchmark Testing and Changes in Academic Support Service
In January and February all students in grades Kindergarten through Fifth grade took part in Benchmark Assessments. The purpose is to monitor if and how much students have grown since the beginning of the school year. In addition, the assessment results are used to target students’ needs and goals and inform decisions about whether or not students need academic support services. Children took the NWEA Reading and Math tests, Benchmark Assessment System reading level assessment, and DIBELS early literacy skills assessments and a couple other assessments.
The results have now been analyzed and adjustments to the Academic Support Program caseload have been made. Most children will continue to receive extra help with an instructional aide. Some students were added since new scores indicated they would benefit from extra help. Some students scores had improved enough since fall that they were able to be discontinued. Letters are being sent out today and tomorrow to parents of children who are entering or exiting the Academic Support Program.
Children who leave the program because of improvement will be monitored and if they need the service again in the future they will be able to get support again at that time.
Parent, student and teacher surveys will be distributed in March in order to get input from all as we plan for the program for next year.
Parent Advisory Team Meeting in March – You Are Invited!
At least a few parents are needed (but all are welcome) to participate in a Parent Advisory Team meeting at Bennie to discuss the Bennie Parent Participation Plan and Program Design. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 12 at 8:40 a.m.
If you are able to attend please use this Sign Up Genius Link Sign Up for the Meeting or email me at artman@appublicschools.com.
Enter through the main office and you will be directed where to go. The team will look over the results of surveys to determine recommendations for the program for next school year.
Welcome to Our Team, Mrs. Krakow!
Mrs. Keri Krakow was recently hired to join our Academic Support Instructional Aide Team. She will be working inside the classrooms helping students improve their reading skills. Mrs. Krakow is also a Bennie parent, current President of the Bennie PTA and a former Bennie lunch aide.
Mrs. Krakow
Instructional Aide
Be on the Lookout for One Book, One School Information on March 1st
On Friday, March 1st, Bennie students and staff will all receive a copy of the book Poppy. There will be a kick-off assembly at the end of the day and the whole school will begin a shared reading experience by reading the same book during March is Reading Month. Children will bring home more information. Older students may read the book by themselves, while younger students will need an adult to read it to them.
Bennie Bobcats listen to Mrs. Metzger explain One Book, One School at the assembly.
Mrs. Artman reads Poppy at home.